Local Coaches needed:
If you are interested in coaching at the NTXTT Workshop to be held on October 7-8, 2023. Please submit a brief email with your background along with your current USAG membership. We are in need of a coach for each event: Trampoline, Tumbling and Double Mini.
Athlete needed: Level 9-Elite athletes are needed to help clinicians with side stations. This is a volunteer position. If needed, it may be used towards volunteer hours for either State Clinic or State Championships, but not both. Please sign up to work on Saturday, October 7th and sign up on October 8th if you are available. If the Workshop continues on Sunday, volunteers listed on Sunday Sign Up will be contacted prior to the event. For more information, contact Holly Garrington at hollygarrington@gmail.com
Below is the link for Volunteers to sign up. Please share with your athletes.
Holly Garrington
NTXTT State Chair