We are changing our 2021 Annual Meeting to a Zoom meeting. It will be held this Saturday, August 21st from 3:30-6pm. Meeting may end or last longer depending on the information we are going over. I will email you an agenda by Thursday for this meeting.

Meeting ID: 806 853 2565
Passcode: 1234

Please send me all information of competitions your gym will be hosting, clinics, TDC or judges courses,etc  that would be of interest to our gyms in the area. I will get them up on the NTXTT Web page.

Also as a reminder, you need to register your club for the 2021-22 season. There is a google form on the site to fill out and mail your club fee of $125 (Payable to NTXTT). Please mail all fees to our new treasurer, Brittany Stout at 300 E Haning Street, Howe, Tx 75459.

Holly Garrington
